How to Add Extension in SIP User

Ans: To add an extension in SIP User, follow these steps:

  1. Access SIP User Settings:  Log in to your User account and Go to SIP user settings panel.
  2. Navigate to New Options: Look for the option new. To add a new extension.
  3. Click on “Username”: Once you locate the new options, click on the “Username” button or a similar option that allows you to set up a new SIP username.
  4. Select Your Username: Select a username for your SIP extension.
  5. Set SIP Username and Password: Enter the chosen SIP username and password. This ensures secure access to your SIP extension. This username will be used for authentication purposes in Dialer.
  6. Configure NAT and Qualify Settings: Locate the settings for NAT (Network Address Translation) and Qualify and Set Qualify to “Yes”.
  7. Save Settings: After configuring all the necessary settings, save your changes. This ensures that your new SIP extension settings are applied.

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